LYPA Rider of the Week: Taylor Walker

LYPA Rider of the Week: Taylor Walker

Horse Images

Taylor Walker and her horse Strutter can be found all over Lakota social media with their impressive long distance trail riding accomplishments. We caught up with her to find out a little more about her an her horse!

5 Quick Questions:

Q: Why do you ride?

Riding is my greatest passion. I love it for the horses, the lifestyle, the physical and mental challenge, and for the way it forces me to work outside my comfort zone.

Q: Name a fun fact about yourself:

I am a huge Star Trek nerd!

Q: What makes your horse special?

Strutter is one of the smartest horses I’ve ever met; he has opinions about almost everything. He won’t do anything unless he’s convinced its a good idea. I’m the same though, so thats why we get along so well!

Q: How do you calm your nerves before a big ride?

I’m usually too busy preparing for the ride to worry about being nervous. I just try to focus on our game plan and make sure we’re ready to go. Sometimes I think Strutter gets more nervous than me.

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given by another horseman/woman?

“Thank your horse as often as possible; he doesn’t owe you anything.”

Follow Taylor and Strutter to see what they’re up too!
Instagram: @twalker2017

Check out the Lakota blog next Tuesday for the next LYPA Rider of the Week…it could be you!

The TRUE legend of Sleepy Hollow

The TRUE legend of Sleepy Hollow

The headless horseman rides tonight! Will you be safe?… #Halloween2016

Haunted night with Lakota Trailer

“An opening in the trees now cheered him with the hopes that the church bridge was at hand. The wavering reflection of a silver star in the bosom of the brook told him that he was not mistaken. He saw the walls of the church dimly glaring under the trees beyond. He recollected the place where Brom Bones’s ghostly competitor had disappeared. “If I can but reach that bridge,” thought Ichabod, “I am safe.” Just then he heard the black steed panting and blowing close behind him; he even fancied that he felt his hot breath.

In the last moment though Gunpowder turned and ran the left. Springing over shrubs past trees as trying to escape death. Just then he saw the goblin rising in his stirrups, and in the very act of hurling his head at him. Ichabod endeavored to dodge the horrible missile, but too late, Gunpowder had already run inside his Lakota and the Goblin passed by like a whirlwind. There is now a quaint campground in Sleepy Hollow but not just anyone visits. You will never see any trailer there but Lakota, for it is the only safe choice.” -Washington Irving, with a twist…

#Halloween #Halloween2016 #SleepyHollow #HeadlessHorseman #horseHour #Horses #HorseJumping

LYPA Rider of the Week: Chloe Salisbury

LYPA Rider of the Week: Chloe Salisbury

Horse Images

A barrel racer from a small town in Idaho, Chloe was our very first Lakota Young Professional admitted to the association. We caught up with her to find out more about her and her horse, TripinRiver – they make a great team!

5 Quick Questions:

Q: How did you get involved with horses?

I’d always loved horses but didn’t come from a horse family, and I wanted so bad to ride. When I was 5 years old my parents got me into riding lessons, and my trainer happened to be a barrel racer!

Q: What makes your horse special?

So many things! I love her beyond words, she is so dear to me. But, I’ll say, her gentle, kind, and willing spirit. She is such a sweet horse, she’s so calm but when she gets in the arena she’s FAST!

Q: What’s your good luck charm?

I actually don’t have a good luck charm- but I always pray before I run because I know the Lord will protect us and has a plan greater than mine.

Q: How do you combat horse show nerves?

To be honest, I’m super bad about nerves and stress at races. But I do my best to trust Jesus because He already knows the outcome! I also sing Christian music in my head before I run, I pet and talk softly to my horse, and take deep breaths. Those things do help, but for nerves, I’m still a work in progress!

Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given by another horseman/woman?

Hmm, this is a tough question. There are so many amazing things I’ve learned from various trainers and horse people, but one thing that really sticks out to me is what my dad said to me at my last race, right before I ran, he said “Look at these races like practice runs but with more push and people watching.”
I often over think racing at events and end up not doing as well as I could have because of that. When I look at my run in an event as just a practice run with more speed, it really helps calm me down. I know someday everything will come together and through God I’ll conquer my pre-race nerves!

Follow her on social media!
Instagram: @idahobarrelracer

Check out the Lakota blog next Tuesday for the next LYPA Rider of the Week…it could be you!

How We Build Lakota (FULL FILM)

How We Build Lakota

The Steps to Build a Legacy

People may tell you “don’t sweat the small stuff,” but when it come to our Lakota Trailers, we take that “small stuff” SERIOUSLY. In this film we follow a Lakota Bighorn Edition all the way through our build process, from start to finish.


Watch our amazing team work to see the detail that goes into our custom built frames / construction, our in-house interior conversions, and the overall outstanding fit/finish of our trailers.

Coupled with Lakota’s warranty and service, it is no wonder Lakota Trailers are widely considered to be the greatest overall value in the horse trailer industry.

noun: Lakota; plural noun: Lakota; plural noun: Lakotas
Definition: Friends & Allies

Building Lakota is about MORE than just building trailers, it is about building each other up in the process. Watch more about what makes Lakota’s Team so unique.

#LakotaForever #HowWeBuildLakota #Teamwork #Legacy #Rodeo #HorseHour #Horses

Horse Camping

Horse Camping

Horse CampingIt is not too hot or too cold, perfect weather for a little horse camping. Load up your Lakota with fun food, drinks, and family/friends!

This is why we work all week to enjoy the sweet moments of life. ?

#Camping #LakotaTrailers #LakotaForever #LOVELakota #HorseCamping

Lakota FOREVER Mural

Lakota FOREVER Mural


Your horse is with you during some of the BEST moments of your life. We’re grateful our trailers can be a small part of all those adventures! Lakota Trailers are built to make your journeys more comfortable for you AND your horse. Use your Lakota FOR all the things your love to do.

Lakota FOREVER is about being able to count on your Lakota FOR fun, FOR work, FOR competition, FOR everything you do with your horse #LakotaForever!

#Horse #HorsePainting #HorseArt #HorseHour #Rodeo #BarrelRacing #huntersJumpers #polo #Cutting #BarrelRacing #Reining #BullRiding

Special thanks to Professional Artist Cat Badger (CB Scenic Studios) for her outstanding work on our 100+ ft. building mural!

Lakota Young Professionals Association

Lakota Young Professionals Association

Lakota Young ProfessionalsToday we are unveiling our new Lakota Young Professionals Association! This is a powerful program for young riders to build recognition of their efforts through connecting to our strong Lakota brand name.

We’re taking applications for riders who want to be considered for membership.
For questions, please send a message to the Lakota YPA Program Director, Meghan Greve, or call at (574) 848-1636.

#LakotaYPA #Rodeo #LakotaYoungProfessionals #HorseRidingCompetition