Chasing Dreams One Barrel at a Time

Chasing Dreams One Barrel at a Time

By Jordan Deatherage, a Lakota Young Professional

Jordan Deatherage

Hi my name is Jordan Deatherage I am 21 years old and I am one of your Lakota Young Professionals from Arizona. Barrel racing is my life and all I know I have been competing for almost six years now and let me tell you its not all glam and fame. I recently had the opportunity to start traveling and going outside my bubble to chase my goals. That opportunity brought me to the bright lights of Las Vegas during one of busiest times of the year in rodeo. That’s right during the blistering cold weather of December and the Wrangler National Finals rodeo.

It was called the All-in Barrel race right smack dab center of all the chaos of the Stetson country Christmas, where hundreds of girls came to compete for $250,000 dollars the best of the best trainers and riders. Running against names like Amberly Snyder, Tammy Fisher, Stevie Hillman, and Sydney Blanchard to name a few. This was a dream come true and of the best times of my life. Although we walked away one spot out of $10,000 dollars I took home new goals and a new mind set.

You can imagine the frustration and anger I had being so close to it all and being a tenth of a second too fast for big money. Yes, it made me sick, it ate me up most of that afternoon but I had to take a step back and think about the fact I went out there and gave it my all on a new horse I didn’t know. To be able to say I went and did what I love most. From the interviews with different companies and being on tv, to running down the same alley as my role models that to me is the biggest win I could ever have.

I’m here to talk to you today about setting goals, how to deal with bad runs and how to prepare and what techniques I use. I want to talk to you about never giving up and how important it is to have the support and love behind you even when you feel no one is there. You will only succeed as far as you push yourself!

I’m currently in my rookie season running in the Grand Canyon Professional Rodeo Association, although it’s been a blast its really showed me where I can improve and to always be prepared. We can all say we’ve taken more loses than wins, I know I have. Nothings more embarrassing than being first out at your first pro rodeo and blow your run only going around first barrel and straight back out the gate. Let’s talk about how to deal with those loses. Easier said than done I know, trust me I have had days where I just feel like giving up and thinking maybe I’m not meant to do this. But no matter what you must push on.

I never like to say loss or lose. Instead I say “I either win or I learn”. It’s absolutely 100% true. I like to ask myself where can I improve? What did I do differently that might of cost me that time? We can always take something from each run good or bad. We can always improve even if it’s as small as looking at your next barrel or dropping your had just one more inch. Get video it’s the most important part of improving watch yourself and figure out what you did differently or this is the time to see if maybe something isn’t right with your athlete.

Most Importantly don’t let it get you down. Even the pros have bad days. No matter what you must push on and not give up. Trust me being in my rookie season it’s not going as planned but it’s not going to stop me from chasing my goals.

Jordan Deatherage

Big shows can be intimidating and full of chaos it’s so important to be prepared. I can honestly say I’m THAT rookie that never knows where to go or what to do. Ha-ha. But people are so welcoming and point you in the right direction. So here we talk about preparation, it’s so important with all the chaos and nerves setting in. Nevers can get the best of us during big runs. I call it “checking my mind at the gate”, where you black out and don’t ride to your best ability.

Recently I was able to talk to my biggest role model Sherry Cervi at a local jackpot who would have ever thought right? I asked her how to get over the nerves, she told me that they never really go away we just get better at dealing with them. Even she still gets nervous! Things I do to calm the nerves is to listen to music on the way to the show or while saddling. But the biggest thing for me is talking, having someone keep me in a conversation takes my mind off the run and from getting nervous.

Just go out there and do what you’ve done a million times before and forget the crowd, forget the eyes on you, forget about that gate man yelling at you to hurry up. Just go in there and work. Another big part of preparation is having everything ready to go, your shirt lined out, your tack ready to go. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve pulled into a rodeo and barrels be first what? Yeah its happened. Always allow yourself plenty of time. Rushing around only gets you frustrated and nervous.

Things I do to make sure I’m prepared is having everything ready to go the day before. But I’m also that person who shows up 2-3 hours early to ensure I know where to go and be ready. A big part of preparation to me is game plans. I cannot tell you how important this is. People say I like to study riders and the ground and its true. You’ll find me out there in the early morning with a hot coffee, notebook and pen in hand. Not only am I keeping an eye on those times coming in, I’m also using this time to watch the ground and make a game plan.

Say 7 out of 10 horses slipped at 3rd barrel, I’m not going to go barreling into third I’m going to really check my horse down and make sure he really rates and places his feet. Always be prepared and familiar yourself with your surroundings.

The biggest piece of advice I can give you is to never ever give up. Yes, there will be days you want to quit. Yes, the losses will be hard to take. But I promise you, you can improve and get back to the top. Trust me I have been there and I go back there more than I’d like to but I push on because I know I can do better. Never think that you can’t make your goals, because you can! I would love to see each one of you reach those goals no matter what they might be.

Having the love and support behind you is important I couldn’t do it without the support system I have and the love from them all and even the fans who follow my every move. Be a role model, set some goals and smash them! You will only be as successful as you push yourself to be. Chase those dreams and never give up!

J. Deatherage

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Weighing Your Horse Trailer

Weighing YOUR Horse Trailer

Lakota weighs each individual horse trailer that we build. This helps meet our #1 priority of keeping you, your family, and your horses SAFE while towing. ? If you ever have questions about the weight of one of our Lakotas, please give us a call at (888) 4-LAKOTA.

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All the Good Things that we are

All the Good Things that we Are

Mother and child

Nothing can fully express the gratitude we all have for our mothers. For every rodeo they have sat through, to every stall they have cleaned for us, to every bag of feed they have bought for us AND our horses. ?
Let’s be sure to give whoever we call Mom an extra hug today, and as much support as we can every day of the year. #HappyMothersDay

#MomsDay #Moms #Love #LOVELakota #Horses #Colt #Mothers #Rodeo


A Vision of Unlimited Possibilities

A Vision of Unlimited Possibilities

Lakota in the stars

When we look at the stars its easy to be amazed at how big our universe really is! Our potential is as big as we can dream, and as close as we’re willing to work for it.

From the many rodeo families, to the weekend warriors, to the professional riders, Lakota Trailer hopes to help YOU reach YOUR possibilities! We build MORE than just horse trailers here, our team is working to build a culture of helpfulness and support as we work towards those goals. For the many youth riders, we’re doing this in part though our Young Professionals Association!

For all, please visit a Lakota Dealer today to see difference. #LOVELakota

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Lakota in a Storm

Withstanding the Storm

We had one of our Lakota customers in those high winds last week (in Oklahoma). We’re so grateful they’re okay and pleased to hear how well our Charger held up (story below)!

Horse Trailers in a storm
Lakota Trailers in a storm

“We were at a finals competition in Oklahoma City last week, right in the middle of the 80 MPH storms. It truly showed how well built the Lakota Trailer’s are! It rocked a little while the other trailers flipped and got tore up! Hay pods dislodged, busted windows, trailers flipped over, then there’s our Lakota just standing there being pretty as always!! They are made so well!”

More on this story:

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LYPA Blog: Long Distance Trailering

In It For The Long Haul

Horse Images

With spring in full swing in most places, a lot of people will begin hitting the road with their equine partners on their way to competitions, trail rides, and rides with friends and trainers. An increasing amount of equestrians have begun travelling long distances to compete, and no matter how hard we try, these trips are always stressful for both you and your horse. Even though long distance traveling may be daunting and even seem risky, there are tons of ways to keep your horse (and yourself) feeling great on the road.


When traveling long distance, preparation, planning, and organization are key to keeping things running smoothly. To prep my horses for travel, I like to give them powder electrolytes in their feed once a day starting a week before we leave. Electrolytes will help them retain more water, and make them more inclined to drink. Keeping your horse (and yourself) hydrated is vital to their well being, especially in situations of high stress. I also keep 2 extra hay bags full at all times when traveling, so when I notice my horse is getting low, it’s easy to switch them quickly. This also takes some stress off of you, because trying to fill your hay bag in a gas station parking lot with an impatient horse banging in your trailer isn’t very fun. Other items you will want to have easily accessible while you travel are paste electrolytes, a small bucket for water, and an equine first aid kit. Not having to dig for these items when you need them will save you time, and take some pressure off.

Something many people struggle with when traveling a long distance is what to put on their horse while they’re in the trailer. I always haul my horses with fly masks on to protect their face and eyes from debris that may fly up off the road, as well as flying hay and shavings. Especially for long distance trips, having a fly mask on is a very good idea. In order to decrease the amount of debris floating around your trailer, keep the bedding to a minimum. You want to make sure you put enough down to be absorbent and provide some traction, but putting too much can make it hard for your horse to balance. This rings true with whatever type of bedding you use, whether it’s straw, wood shavings…etc. Even though it seems like your horse would benefit from more support and cushion when travelling, it’s quite the opposite. They have to work harder and longer to stay balanced in the trailer, so I only put leg wraps on, and I use whatever they’re used to trailering in; whether it be standing wraps, shipping boots, or therapeutic wraps. Leaving them without a sheet or blanket allows them to regulate their own body temperature easily, and keeps them cool when travelling into a hotter climate. If you notice your horses are sweaty, buying a large bag of ice and spreading it on the floor under their belly cools the whole trailer as it melts. Making sure your horses are comfortable keeps them happy, and in turn, healthy!

Once you start travelling, make sure to offer your horse’s water every time you stop for gas. Bringing water from home is the best thing you can do, as it doesn’t have any funky smells or tastes, so you horse will be more inclined to drink. Some horse trailers have water tanks specifically for this purpose. If your trailer doesn’t have an additional water tank, you can purchase a portable tank, flavor your horse’s water with low sugar apple juice, apple cider vinegar, or a sports drink, or you can purchase water filters made specifically for use with horses. These filter out any chemicals or metals that may deter your horse from drinking. If you choose to flavor your horse’s water instead, make sure you begin doing this a few days before you leave so they get accustomed to the taste. When you offer water to your horses while travelling, if they don’t drink, you may want to try to give them a half dose of paste electrolytes. Some horses are difficult with oral syringes, so if that’s the case with your horse, don’t try to force it. Fighting will cause the both of you too much stress and could potentially cause injury. Dosing them once they’re unloaded will be less stressful and much, much safer for both of you.

Depending on the length of your trip, you may need to unload your horses for a period of time to allow them to rest. Most veterinarians recommend unloading your horses every 4 to 6 hours to allow them to stretch, hang their head, and expel mucus. When a horse has their head raised for a long period of time (like they do when tied in a trailer), they are unable to expel the natural mucus that is constantly building up in their sinuses. If they are unable to lower their head and blow this gunk out for an extended period of time, the mucus can run into their lungs and cause a type of pneumonia commonly known as shipping fever. When planning your route, plan the locations that you plan to unload your horses. Look for safe locations near your route that are horse friendly, like parks or waysides that are far off the freeway. Give the horses about a half hour break, allowing them to drink freely and walk around. This is also a good time to give your horse electrolytes if you were unable to while they were loaded. Take this time to relax with your pony and de-stress before getting back on the road!

While planning your route, your biggest enemy is traffic. Do everything you can to avoid it! Plan your route to take you around large cities versus through them, or plan to go through them late at night when there will be the least amount of traffic. Being stuck in a slow down can put a big damper on your trip; with little air movement and your horses in a confined space, they can overheat quickly. If you do get into a traffic jam, do your best to get off the freeway, and while re-routing, either unload your horses or keep driving so they keep cool.

Long distance trips with your horses can seem terrifying, but they can be some of the most exciting travels of your life. No matter how hard you try, there will be things that don’t go according to plan, but when you are prepared and organized, you can tackle any roadblock you come to! The most important thing to do is to remember to go with the flow, take everything in stride, and most important of all, have fun! Good luck to everyone competing this year and may all your travels be safe and memorable!


This article was written by Caitlyn Caby, one of our own Lakota Young Professionals. If you have your own long distance trailering tips, post a picture and use the hashtag #LakotaBlog and #LakotaTrailers so we can share!


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Tour of Colt ACX9



If you’re looking for an affordable horse trailer with a little bit of everything…look no further! The ACX9 COLT is packed with all the amenities you’d want on an outing.

Just to name a few:

  • Stove top
  • Refrigerator
  • Microwave
  • Heat or A/C
  • Sofa bed
  • Bedroom
  • Full bathroom with shower
  • Tackroom
  • Padded stall dividers

Learn more about MANY standard features on the ACX9 Colt. Contact your Lakota Dealer to see one today!

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